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Once a song or an idea for one is written, it is time to take it to the next level: recording/producing it.

At Terracota, we have several tools available for the Pre-Production and Production stages. From multitrack recorders (portastudios), and other audio recording devices, to industry standard softwares and Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) (ProTools, Logic, etc.), we use everything at hand to achieve the goal of bringing a newly written song to life.

Tools of the trade, along with our knowledge, expertise and resourcefulness allow us to help our artists/songwriters to hear and experience what was initially conceived as a mere idea, transformed into a beautifully finalized song.

We have the means, the skills, the understanding and the diligence to work for and with our artists and songwriters. We do so, not only because we love what we do, but because we believe in the power of ideas in the form of well written and very well produced songs.  We have dedicated many years to it, and we’ve learned to make use of anything available to record and produce great music without demandings or limitations of any kind, because for us at Terracota Productions, “Music Is ALWAYS First”




After the first two stages of the process of music production are concluded (Pre-Production and Production), or when a song or a musical piece is written and properly recorded, a third and last step is required to bring it down to completion. This involves Editing, Mixing and Mastering. At Terracota Productions, we have the proper tools and equipment to accomplish great sounding music. Our Digital Audio Workstations along with our specialized softwares, plugins, and even some analog hardware (Compressors, EQs, etc.), allow us to obtain great results for pristine, powerful, professional sounding works.

Also, when needed, we will partner up with specialized mastering facilities and engineers to help us, especially after long recording and/or mixing sessions with our artists, by assisting us and providing us with a fresh pair of ears to guarantee the best sounding recordings and a satisfying final product.



Editing / Post- Production

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Along with producing music for artists and songwriters



Along with producing music for artists and songwriters, Terracota Productions also offers songwriting, compositions and musical arrangements as part of our services for our clients.

Jairo (Jay) A. Castano, president and spokesman of the company, is an established multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer with more than thirty years of experience, who has participated in numerous projects throughout his career. Some of his compositions were played and used in different media, from radio stations to independent film and TV productions.

We, at Terracota Productions will also team up with songwriters and composers from different styles and genres to provide our artists with the right songs and compositions, and to satisfy their musical needs and expectations.


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